

TremorStim core team

The TremorStim core team has been undertaking bioelectric and biologics research for organ regeneration and recovery since the 1980s. They published their first bioelectric regeneration paper in Circulation in 1999 – Click here. The team has over 600 issued, pending, optioned or license patent claims related to bioelectric, minimally invasive and biologics based healing – Click Here for Patents by Howard J. Leonhardt + Click Here for Patents by Eleanor L. Schuler

About Essential Tremor

The Issues

Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder in the United States, affecting about 10 million Americans (approximately eight times as many people as Parkinson’s disease). The condition causes involuntary, rhythmic trembling, usually in the hands, and is exacerbated during such activities as buttoning a shirt or using utensils. Although essential tremor is not life-threatening, it can severely impact the quality of life.

Some beta-blockers and anti-epileptic drugs can reduce symptoms, but they carry side effects, such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

The Solution

TremorStim is developing a combination bioelectric hand and brain cap stimulator to help control and perhaps eliminate uncontrolled essential tremors. Our bioelectric signaling features precise control of specific protein expressions or suppressions known to help reduce essential tremor movements and duration.

 Actual conductive glove in lab testing TremorStim R&D lab Utah – supplied by Prizm Medical 

TremorStim is developing
4 products



Hand & Wrist Stimulator

TremorStim B

Brain Cap Stimulator

TremorStim Combo

Hand, Wrist and Brain Cap Stimulator

TremorStim Plus

Bioelectric and Biologics Treatment

TremorStim Concept
Drawings & Prototypes

TremorStim Brain Stimulation Helmet & Gloves

Patent Pending
TremorStim 2nd Generation